IT security

How would you cope if your IT system failed or was breached? We cover the main IT security issues and how to protect against them.

IT security - overview

How would you cope if your IT system failed or was breached? We cover the main IT security issues and how to protect against them.

Securing your IT system - overview

From customer details to financial records - your business will have lots of important data. We look at how you can protect it, wherever it is stored.

Your security plan - overview

An IT security plan is key to protecting your IT system from security threats. This summary explains why and how to create a security plan.

Internet security - overview

The internet can be the single largest security risk to your business. Our summary explains how to protect your business online threats.

Business data protection - overview

Data protection helps secure your key business data and comply with the rules. Our overview looks at data protection rules and how to protect data.

Black USB drive plugged into a laptop backing up data

Find the right backup methods

Data backups are essential to your business and an important part of disaster planning. But what methods should you use to back up your critical data?

a laptop with padlock graphic on its screen

Five key website security checks

You’ve spent months building your website. Have you checked for common security problems that could leave your website open to a preventable attack?

A virus warning appears on a computer screen

Security and anti-virus software FAQs

IT security is a serious issue for any business holding sensitive personal information or data. We answer the most frequent IT security questions.

Person scanning their finger using mobile security software on their phone

Do you need mobile security software?

These days it's possible to run your business from your smartphone. With banking apps, accounting software and other business-critical apps and data on your phones, do they need security software too?

Someone holding a mobile device showing a padlock on the screen

Keeping mobile devices secure

Mobile phones have more capabilities than ever and the risk of data loss from phones has dramatically increased. You need to protect that data.

Mobile security software has been installed on the mobile devices

Where to start with mobile security

One of the biggest trends in business technology is the move towards greater mobility. Read about how to keep mobile devices secure in your company.