Computer hardware

Business software

The internet


Man in a suit drawing a network map onto a screen


Building a network

Once you’ve decided you need a business IT network, it’s important you plan and build one that’s appropriate for your business needs.

IT security

Someone holding a mobile device showing a padlock on the screen


Keeping mobile devices secure

Mobile phones have more capabilities than ever and the risk of data loss from phones has dramatically increased. You need to protect that data.

Buy and manage IT

Arrows pointing in opposite direction on the surface of a road


Choosing an IT supplier

There's a host of IT suppliers to choose from. You need to pick one that meets your requirements and can provide what you need, when you need it.

IT support

Two men in suits shaking hands over a desk


IT support contract essentials

When you consider IT support options for your business, there are some items you shouldn’t scrimp on. Here are five things you should cover properly.

Staff and IT training

A man uses the internet safely having read and signed an internet use policy


Sample internet use policy

Our free, sample internet use policy template will help you create a policy that explains how your employees may and may not use the internet at work.